You can get $500 minimum or free fuel vouchers if you call us about a house or people who are keen to sell, and we buy their house!

You can make as much money as you want by simply giving us leads or referring people to us. The only conditions are that in order for us to pay you, we must buy the house and we need to know that you did the referral.
Simply go to our contact form now. Fill it out as best you can, and state in the message that it’s a referral. When the settlement for the house has gone through, we’ll send you a payment of $500 minimum or fuel vouchers.
We will even make a donation to the charity of your choice, if you’d prefer. No gimmicks, you help us – we’ll help you. The more houses you find us, the more money you’ll make! How does an extra grand a week sound?
Please note, individuals or entities are not employed in any capacity and you are responsible for your own tax liability and legal requirements.
Houses wanted network
Would you like to join the 0800 We Buy Houses network?
Become part of New Zealand’s most recognised real estate private sale/buying brand where you can leverage off national branding, marketing and advertising.
If you have a passion for people and property, are reliable, honest and ethical, you have the ability to create favourable outcomes for all parties, plus have a good understanding of creative real estate solutions and want to get paid for it – then join us.

You’ll have direct access to people in your area
Through this website (ranked top end of Google) and the 0800 phone network, you’ll receive training in marketing, plus you’ll work with other like-minded people in your industry.
You’ll gain the advantage of working with experienced business owners at a mere fraction of what it would cost you to do it all yourself.
If there’s a location you’d like to be involved in (taken or not), contact us now to find out more, and learn how we could help you become part of the network for a whole lot less than you’d imagine.
Contact us
Get in touch now and let’s discuss your situation. After all, it costs you nothing to have a chat. Free to email and phone us, too.